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What is home schooling or home education?According to FL 1002.41 As used in this section, the term “home education program” has the same meaning as in s. 1002.01. A home education program is not a school district program and is registered with the district school superintendent only for the purpose of complying with the state’s attendance requirements under s. 1003.21 Therefore the school disrict does not dictate, the curriuclum you would use, the hours needed to complete a school day or the number of school days needed to constitute a school year.
Is homeschooling legal?Yes, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. Florida’s compulsory attendance law. Statute 1003.01 (13) gives parents the choice of achieving regular school attendance through one of these provisions: Public school, Parochial, Religious or Denominational school, Private school or Home-education program, Private tutoring program. Four of these options are in the private sector — ultimately parents choose the setting, curriculum, opportunities and educational experiences.
Do I need special training to educate my child at home?The parent is not required to hold a valid regular Florida teaching certificate.
Who can I homeschool?Any parent can! According to FL 1000.21(5) Definition of Parent“Parent” is either or both parents of a student, any guardian of a student, any person in a parental relationship to a student, or any person exercising supervisory authority over a student in place of the parent. The parent of a school-aged child is resposible to manage and direct the child's education.
How old does my child need to be to "oficially" homeschool?"A child turning 6 before February 1 of the school year must register with the county at the beginning of the current school year.
Do we have to begin homeschooling at a specific time of the year?No. You can begin your home education program at any time of the year. You can also withdraw from public school at any time during the school year. Just Follow the steps to begin a home education program detailed under All About Homeschooling.
What is the annual evaluation required from the State?The annual educational evaluation shall consist of one of the following: 1. A teacher selected by the parent shall evaluate the student’s educational progress upon review of the portfolio and discussion with the student. Such teacher shall hold a valid regular Florida certificate to teach academic subjects at the elementary or secondary level; 2. The student shall take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher; 3. The student shall take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district; 4. The student shall be evaluated by an individual holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of FL s. 490.003(7) or (8); or 5. The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the district school superintendent of the district in which the student resides and the student’s parent. (2) The district school superintendent shall accept the results of the annual educational evaluation of the student in a home education program. If the student does not demonstrate educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability, the district school superintendent shall notify the parent, in writing, that such progress has not been achieved. The parent shall have 1 year from the date of receipt of the written notification to provide remedial instruction to the student. At the end of the 1-year probationary period, the student shall be reevaluated as specified in paragraph (1)(f). Continuation in a home education program shall be contingent upon the student demonstrating educational progress commensurate with her or his ability at the end of the probationary period. See our website for evaluators our members recommend. Sample of the form the evaluator will provide for you to email to the school board.
What do the records / portfolio should look like?We recommend you watch this very helpful video. Portoflios requirements begin ~ 7:20
What do I have to do begin homeschooling?You just have to make the decision! The School district needs to be notified within 30 days of you starting you home education program. You notify them by emailing a letter of intent. The letter of inent along with instructions can be found in our website under the All About Homeschooling tab. If your student was previously a public school student, you must withdraw from school. Don't skip this step, the school board will not notify the school of your student's change of status. Please visit the All About Homeschooling tab on the website for a step by step descrition of the process.
Am I required to keep attendance, record of grades?"No. A home education program shall be excluded from meeting the requirements of a school day. There is no minimum number of days and there is no need to record grades or attendance. Home education programs are not required to keep track of that information.
What should my child learn? How do I know I am meetting the standards?You can go the website listed below and see what students from K -8th grade need to know by the end of the school year. You can use it as a guidelines to help you focus on specific benchmarks.
How do I find materials to teach my child?The state does not regulate curriculum. You provide the materials, which means to get to choose what works best for you and your child! There are many free resources HERE Here are two good websites to find reviews and explore available curriculum: Check out Ebay and Facebook used curriulum to get materials at reduced prices.
What is this Bright Futures scholarship for graduating high school students?Bright Futures is the name of a scholarship program in the state of Florida. There are three tiers based on grades or SAT scores and volunteer hours. It can be applied to 2 year or 4 year college or Technical School.
How can my student qualify for the Bright Futures scholarship?For starters you need to complete certain high school course work with a minimum GPA, complete community service volunteer hours throughout high school and achieve a minimum score on the SAT or ACT exams. All of the information can be found on the link to the Bright Futures Manual below. Read the entire manual carefully as there are general requirements for all students and then a special section for those who home school.
How many volunteer hours does my student need to qualify for Bright Futures?You need at least 75 volunteer hours to qualify for Florida Medallion Scholars, and at least 100 volunteer hours to qualify for Florida Academic Scholars.
Can my High School student participate in High School Sports?Yes, Home Educated students can join public or priviate schools n theyr sports programs. First you must contact the school's spots department to see if they will welcome your student. All the step are here, in the FHAA site:
What are the requirements for High School graduation?This is the breakdown for the requirements: 24-Credit Path 4 English credits, 4 math credits, 3 science credits, 3 social studies credits, 1 physical education, 1 arts, 8 electives (2 should be 2 years of -the same- Foreign Language)
Are there any other grants or scholarships for graduating students?Yes,There are. A word of caution, please note that the FAFSA application will be completed in a .gov website. There is no charge to complete it. Always be careful when providing your students personal information.
What are the requirements to apply as a Dual Enrollment (DE) student?Eligibility Requirements Initial Eligibility Be enrolled as a student in a Florida public or non-public secondary school or home education program in Broward County Minimum 3.0 unweighted high school grade point average (GPA) College level test scores in all areas – English, Reading and Math Placement test SAT 25+ (Writing and Language) 24+ (Reading) 24 - 26.4 (MAT1033) 26.5+ (MAC1105) ACT 17+ (English) 19+ (Reading) 19-20 (MAT1033) 21+ (MAC1105) PERT 103+ (Writing) and 106+ (Reading) 106+ (Reading) 114-122 (MAT1033) 123+ (MAC1105)
What is the PERT placement test for dual enrollment?PERT stands for Postsecondary Education Readiness Test. It’s a college placement exam used by colleges and universities in the state of Florida to determine what level of college courses in math and English an applicant is adequately prepared for. Incoming college students who do well on the PERT can take regular math and English classes immediately, while those who don’t will have to start with basic or remedial classes. There are three sections on the PERT test – Math, Reading, and Writing. Each part doesn’t have a time limit, but usually takes 45 minutes, and contains 30 questions. Five questions in each section are experimental, and don’t count toward the score, but test takers won’t know which questions are experimental. Scores on each section range from 50 to 150, and a score of over 100 is required to be able to skip lower level classes.
Where can I find study materials for the Pert exam?Here are some great resources: Free PERT Practice Tests (2020) [100s of Questions & Answers] Free PERT Practice Tests (2020) [100s of Questions & Answers] Use our free PERT practice tests to score your highest. Actual PERT questions, answers, and explanations - updat...
Where can my student take the Pert exam?The Pert exam can be taken at Broward College. During Covid-19 arrangements are made for students to take the exam virtually. Where do I register for the Pert exam? Visit for PERT study guide questions and testing center locations and times. Testing Centers at Broward College Broward College Testing provides assessment and proctoring services to all students, including those with specia... BROWARD COLLEGE APPLICATION BC - New Student Application Logon BC - New Student Application Logon **YOU ALSO NEED TO ATTEND A NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION
How can I take the Pert exam during the Covid-19 quarantine?The Pert test is being administered virtually during Covid-19.
Are there any requirements I need to meet to stay in the DE program?Continued Eligibility Complete a Dual Enrollment Recommendation Form each term with parent/legal guardian, student, school counselor and principal signatures Maintain a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA Maintain a 2.0 Broward College GPA Earn a grade of “C” or better in each college course Early Admission and College Academy students who receive a “D” or “F” grade may only be allowed to continue taking courses if approved by the school counselor from the high school and still meet eligibility requirements. STUDENT CHECKLIST BROWARD COLLEGE DUAL ENROLLMENT HOME SCHOOL MANUAL
Where can I find the articulation agreement DE students need to send to Broward County School Board?Once the ARTICULATION AGREEMENT document is filled out it needs to be sent to Broward County Education via e-mail : ********THIS MUST BE FILLED OUT FOR EVERY TERM*******
What classes are DE students allowed to take?APPROVED CLASSES
Do DE students have to pay for their books?BOOKS AND LAB COATS/GOGGLES - All books, lab coats etc. are paid for by Broward County - Technically the books are loaned to the students for the term , and they must be returned promptly at the end of the term.( I suggest returning the books the day of or the day after your final exam)
How and where do DE students get books for the term?For Broward College :Bring your student , student ID, schedule of classes, and your articulation agreement to the bookstore once you have all of the required materials at checkout simply let them know you are a HOME SCHOOLED DUAL ENROLLED STUDENT and present your documents. You will receive a receipt for all of the items, you will need that receipt to return the bookstore the end of the term. Any items that are worn ie. lab coats and goggles cannot be returned due to hygienic reasons
Are DE students are eligible to participate in the honors college?Yes, they are. Here are the details for BC:
How do I know what classes my DE student needs to take to receive an AA degree?I would recommend speaking a counselor to get that personalized answer. **Go to page 6 and 7 to see the requirements for an AA degree in General Education All of this information is subject to change at any time by Broward County Education Department and or Broward College.
How can my DE student know how to choose a professor?You can check the ratings or leave one at – Find and rate your professor or campus.
I have other questions that were not answered , who can I contact regarding DE at Broward College?"The DE contact person at BC is Odalys Garcia Coordinator, Dual Enrollment 954-201-7684
Do colleges prefer one type of GPA calculation over the other?It is aways best to ask the particular college. In most cases, colleges consider the weighted GPA to be more useful information than the unweighted GPA. The most important point to remember, however, is that colleges look at your GPA in context. They won’t simply glance at the number itself. They’ll also consider the rigor of the student's schedule and how the student has improved over time. In general, colleges don’t provide a minimum GPA they’ll consider or a minimum amount of AP courses you should take in high school. Colleges want to see: Challenging courses Increasing rigor over the four years of high school Growth and improvement Strong academic performance Ultimately, colleges want dedicated students who push themselves to reach their full academic potential.
What is the difference between a weighted and unweighted GPA in trancripts?The main difference between the two is that weighted GPAs take into account the difficulty of the coursework and unweighted GPAs don't. Most unweighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 4.0, and most weighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 5.0.
What is an unweighted GPA?Unweighted GPAs are measured on a scale of 0.0-4.0. The difficulty of the classes is not factored into the unweighted GPA.
How do you calculate an unweighted GPA?Here’s the numerical value for each letter grade: A=4 points B=3 points C=2 points D=1 point F=0 points
What is a weighted GPA?Typically, weighted GPAs are measured on a scale of 0.0-5.0. Some scales may go higher. The weighted GPA does factor in the difficulty of the classes.
How do you calculate a weighted GPA?In most cases, student wll receive an extra point (1.0) for an AP class and an extra half point (0.5) for an honors class. So, an “A” in a class that is not AP or honors is still worth four points. In an honors class, it’s worth 4.5 points. And for an “A” in an AP or Dual Enrollment class, student will get five points. So, let’s say you still have three A’s, two B’s, and one C. But now that we’re calculating your weighted GPA, we need to consider the difficulty level of your classes. “A” in APor Dual Enrooment class= 5 points “A” in honors class= 4.5 points “A” in an introductory class= 4 points “B” in AP class = 4 points “B” in honors class = 3.5 points “C” in AP class = 3 points So, you’ll add these numbers together to get 24. Again, you’ll divide this number by six (the number of classes you’re taking). Your weighted GPA is a 4.0. Taking the difficulty level of your classes into account, you are an “A” student. Keep in mind that these are common calculations for weighted GPAs, but some schools may use a different system.
How do home educated students get their transcripts?The parent creates the transcripts for the student. If student has taken any dual enrollment classes or classes through FLVS, that information needs to be included in the parent-created transcripts. The official, sealed transcripts from the DE College and FLVS also need to be sent to the school requiring the transcripts. Our Homeschooling the high school years page has sample transcripts, course codes and additional information that will be beneficial while putting together a student's transcripts. More on transcripts
What is HEARTS?Hearts is not a school. It is not a co-op (though our members host a co-op). HEARTS is a Christian group for the homeschooling parents to find answers, information, guidance and encouragement from fellow homeschoolers. HEARTS also holds educaitonal events, parties, meet-ups, field trips and other social events to provide a venue for our children to socialize and learn. Everyone in HEARTS Leadership is a volunteer. There is no paid staff.
How do I join HEARTS?Go to the Apply or Renew Membership tab in the home page and follow the steps described.
What is HEARTS Paypal info?Please always include a note with your name as it appears on your membership application and what your payment is for.
What is HEARTS mailing address?When mailing anything to HEARTS, please always include a note with your name, what the payment is for and your contact information. HEARTS C/O Vanessa Campillo 7041 SW 42 Pl Davie, FL 33314
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