Venetian Pool Info
Please arrive by the gate marked Field Trip Gate on Sevilla Avenue. Groups are not permitted entrance through the front gate. At this point your group will be given an orientation and a head count will be performed.
Everyone in your group, including chaperones, will be inspected for their assigned wrist bands, which are to be fastened around everyone’s wrist prior to entering.
VENETIAN POOL RULES: FOR SAFETY REASONS the ratio of 1 adult (18 years or older) per 10 children (ages 5 and older) and 1 adult (18 years or older) per 5 children (ages 3 and 4) will be strictly enforced. If these ratios are not met the facility reserves the right to turn away your group without reimbursement. No children under the age of 3 will be permitted into the facility. Children must be taller than 38 inches or provide proof of age (acceptable proof is a birth certificate or passport).
Counselors are required to enter the water and remain vigilant over their campers at all times. Counselors are to supervise their campers in the restrooms and concession stand.
Children and group leaders are REQUIRED to wear proper swim attire and physically be IN the water interacting with their group AT ALL TIMES. Pants, blue jeans, cut offs and underwear garments are not permitted.
Lifejackets are provided free of charge by the Venetian Pool and are strongly recommended. Please keep in mind that all lifejackets will be distributed at a first come first serve basis and that lifejackets may not be available for all members of your group. Lifeguards have the discretion to make someone wear a lifejacket at any time.
Use of whistles by your camp counselors is PROHIBITED. If any member of your group experiences sudden illness or injury please notify a member of the aquatics staff or supervisor immediately. In case of an emergency please have your staff keep emergency contact information and a list of allergies for all your campers.
No coolers will be permitted within the facility. Only for medical reasons will small personal coolers will be permitted. Glass or alcohol of any kind is prohibited. Please make sure to have your staff and campers clean up after themselves to keep our historic facility looking beautiful! In the event of severe weather or lightening, exit the water immediately.
The pool has a Thor Guard Lightening Prediction system on site, which will notify all guests to exit the water through the use of one loud 15 second horn blast. Seek shelter within the pool complex or in your buses. Staff will assist you in exiting safely. The system will give an All Clear through the use of three short 5 second blasts.
Please assist us in keeping your campers from entering the water until all lifeguards have set back up on stand and given your staff permission to enter the water. Remember, there is no RUNNING, DIVING, ROUGH PLAY, SAND THROWING or PUSHING ALLOWED. Please no toys or games that would disturb other visitors. ANY GROUP OR MEMBER OF A GROUP NOT FOLLOWING RULES OR PREVENTING THE AQUATIC SAFTEY TEAM FROM PERFORMING THEIR DUTIES MAY BE ASKED TO LEAVE.